Alien Hominid HD

By: Derek Yu

On: February 26th, 2007

Alien Hominid

Alien Hominid is hitting Xbox Live Arcade this weekend for 800 Live Arcade Points. That’s $10 US dollars! But THAT’S NOT ALL. The Behemoth is also planning on giving away some real life pseudo-metallic trophies to people who climb their leaderboards every week and every month.

And since I’ve still got a lot of vertical copy to fill, here’s a haiku:

"Beady little eyes

(Oh) Alien Hominid

You are so yellow"

  • Shih Tzu

    This must be the first haiku after the international Leipzig Convention of Poets restandardized the syllable count to 5-6-5. Historic!

  • Derek

    Er, that’s right! ^_^;

  • Derek

    Well, since I know that many respected poets, including Walston Galbraith III (may he rest in peace) were very much against the restandardized syllable count, and, in an effort not to alienate 5-7-5 traditionalists, I’ve added a syllable to the second line that you may choose to read or not read.

  • haowan

    Derek Yu
    in deepest winter:
    games poet

  • haowan

    stupid line breaks. that was a 3-5-3 btw

  • Echo

    Oh no Haowan / Line Breaks got you down / My heart aches

  • Echo

    Sorry, I intended to sound more sympathetic :(

  • haowan

    i kill you

    in your fucking skull

    rat bastard


  • haowan

    double enter does the trick!

  • Echo

    OMG you should try

    six more syllables

    awesome power

  • Noyb

    Been waiting some time
    For good game on live arcade
    Bought nothing since June

  • Matt

    Haiku might be a formalized system of 5-7-5, there are hundreds of Japanese classical haiku that break form. Syllables are dropped when it is clear that what should be there grammatically to emphasize with the gap or even syllables added when the sound carries little meaning other than an emphatic or stress of the other words.
    As a haiku is spontaneously created in a moment of passion or genius, we can look the other way sometimes.

  • Matt

    I wonder if this will show up properly