Here is the first trailer for Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Loquaciousness, Episode One, Chapter 17, Version Beta. (Penny Arcade’s first game.)
[Prepare for BMcC Rant mode in the extended! -Derek]
In summary:
Here’s a detailed FAQ if you still crave informations.
My thoughts: The trailer is pretty uninspiring. And, personally, I’d rather see the entire game done in the style of the flash intro (i.e., like the comic) than this newfangled 3D stuff, but that’d be too much work for poor old Gabe, I guess?
Also (here comes the rant), looking at Hothead’s website, of course their bloody About section has to be titled “Innovation in Gameplay.” Is that supposed to be funny? Hothead. YOU MAKE TIE-IN GAMES. I innovate more during my morning leak.
In fact, I’m willing to bet there won’t be a single gameplay innovation in the PA series. Maybe their experience with other people’s IP was considered a positive at first, but with Tycho and Gabe being so directly involved, it’s kind of a moot point. I could name a bunch of folks in this very community that I’m sure could do a better job… but they’re busy making their own games.
But whatever. It should still be fun for fans of the comic, which is as much as they’re hoping for, I’m sure.
Why am I channeling Tim W. all of a sudden?