Month in Meta: May

By: Shapermc

On: June 1st, 2007

For those of you who haven’t been paying attention to other media outlets I figured that I would attempt to collect articles about, and in reception of, indie games. It seems that every time I have any other news to post someone else beats me to it, so I may as well get meta about independent games from other media outlets. News about news!

[Gamasutra] Why Indies Can’t Thrive On Consoles: An opinion piece written by Simon Carless.

[Inside Bay Area] Indie games create buzz within video-game industry: Like a hive of bumblebees.

[Gamasutra] MMOs Go Indie: People hang out in Minneapolis and talk about MMOs, news at ten.

[Gamers With Jobs] Interview: Jamie Cheng – Eets: Chowdown: The Game

[GameSetWatch] Kameleon Project To Help Indies Connect: get your games out on the market.

[Water Cooler Games] The New York Times Publishes Our Newsgames: Meta, meta, meta news!

[Kotaku] This just in: Kotaku. Really. Likes. Gamecock.

  • hspace = 10

    hspace = 10

  • hspace = 10

    Oh… nice. :)

  • Derek

    Whoa awesome, Shaper! If you did this once a month, that would be sweet as hell. ;)

  • Shaper

    That’s kind of my plan. Unless there’s a huge explosion of news (like with SCMRPG) in a short time, I will probably relinquish my posting privileges to playing catch-up with media.

  • Anthony Flack

    It seems strange to be talking about Sumo Digital in the context of “indie game developers hit the mainstream”. While technically true, in that they are not a subsidiary of a larger company, they have 100-odd employees and were responsible, among other things, for the excellent console ports of Outrun 2006, and more recently, Virtua Tennis 3.

    So they’re not exactly the Last Of The Bedroom Coders.

  • haowan

    They also outsource a lot of their output.

  • PoV

    Fantastic job Sharp. I always miss the goods from Gamasutra.

  • DrDerekDoctors

    There’s a frickin’ advert above the comments? What gives? Gaaaah!

    Must resist change! :P

    Also, am I the only one that hated the stupid Gamecock arsing about videos? They just come across as twats rather than professionals.

  • Derek

    Yep, I agree, Doc.

    And they used to be called G.O.D., so there you have it!

    And wasn’t Mike Wilson the guy who convinced John Romero to run the ad where he made everyone his bitch?

    There you have it, again!