Posts with ‘interview’ Tag

Month in Meta: May

By: Shapermc

On: June 1st, 2007

For those of you who haven’t been paying attention to other media outlets I figured that I would attempt to collect articles about, and in reception of, indie games. It seems that every time I have any other news to post someone else beats me to it, so I may as well get meta about independent games from other media outlets. News about news!

[Gamasutra] Why Indies Can’t Thrive On Consoles: An opinion piece written by Simon Carless.

[Inside Bay Area] Indie games create buzz within video-game industry: Like a hive of bumblebees.

[Gamasutra] MMOs Go Indie: People hang out in Minneapolis and talk about MMOs, news at ten.

[Gamers With Jobs] Interview: Jamie Cheng – Eets: Chowdown: The Game

[GameSetWatch] Kameleon Project To Help Indies Connect: get your games out on the market.

[Water Cooler Games] The New York Times Publishes Our Newsgames: Meta, meta, meta news!

[Kotaku] This just in: Kotaku. Really. Likes. Gamecock.