So You Want To Make A Game

By: Brandon McCartin (BMcC)

On: February 22nd, 2008

Petri: God of Rock

Continuing with the 1UP theme, 1UP has an interesting article up called “”" title=“1UP: So You Want To Make A Game”>So You Want To Make A Game" which features interviews with Tower Defender Paul Preece, Madman Jon Mak, and Finnish Rock God/IGF Champion Petri Purho, giving advice on love, life, and game development. (Mostly game development.)

Read it here.

P.S. I’ll have some super-special exclusive GDC content for TIGS in the near future, but I need to collect myself first. I was not ready for this insanity.

  • BlademasterBobo

    Article links are broken

  • Akhel

    Nice article! I’d like to see something similar, but focused on bigger games.

    By the way, as Bobo pointed, the links to the article have an extra quotation mark at the end.

  • lol

    Brandon hates game development.

  • tim

    the advice might be very useful to you brandon haha

  • gokai
  • Derek


  • BMcC

    Haha, dang, I forgot I was typing with the International Keyboard. It gets funky sometimes.

  • moi

    It’s “finnish”

  • BMcC

    @moi: _You’re_ Finnish, nerd.