1up: RSVP

By: Derek Yu

On: June 6th, 2008

For the weekend, I leave you with the inaugural episode of RSVP, 1up’s new series of intimate game designer round-tables. Mark MacDonald chats with Valve’s Eric Wolpaw, Q-Games’ Dylan Cuthbert, and Everyday Shooter creator Jonathan Mak in the infamous “Sake Room” at Ozumo restaurant in San Francisco (I went there once and ate a cow with a name). It’s long, and I haven’t watched the whole thing. But I’m hoping for a makeout session at the end.

(Source: Tim, via the Indiegames.com blog)

  • Stwelin

    How does Gamevideos.com survive when their movies take a year and half to buffer? It’s so fucking sad.

  • HikariExpress

    So this is basically the gaming version of Dinner for Five.

    Very interesting.

  • http://sophiehoulden.com GirlFlash

    some interesting ideas on narrative, and I’m prolly gonna get patapon now ^_^

  • Wait

    Mark thinks this is kinda lame or something.

  • Trotim

    Pon Pon Patapon~

    But the videos load SO SLOW *sobs*

  • Mark

    It loads just fine for me. Maybe 5 seconds of buffering?

  • axel

    4 seconds here, and I have pretty crap internets.

  • Trotim

    Maybe it’s because I’m from Europe or something? It takes ages.

  • PHeMoX

    The 384.2mb took about 5 minutes to download… Europe also, so it must be you connection indeed.

  • raigan

    This was at GDC.. how did it take 4 months to release?!

    Plus it took about a week to download..

  • krizzle

    haha, 5 hours for portal.. oO

  • Quetz

    I thought this was very cool!

  • fucrate

    I’m sure putting in the music and editing all those cuts took some serious labor, 4 months sounds about right.

    Also, from what I’ve heard that room has a $650 minimum charge… which is just crazy…

  • Quetz

    Jonathan Mak <3

  • fish

    i though this was great.
    and im hoping for more.

  • bateleur

    Downloads very slow (as is always the case with GameTrailers) for me and I have a blisteringly fast internet connection. Definitely something to do with the site.

  • CT

    That was really cool to watch. No PR BS, just developers/gamers talking about games. Just awesome.

    Any plans on releasing anymore?

  • http://www.lithiumleaf.com LaughingCrow

    It took ages for me to download too. But my internet connection is jut crappy.

    Anyways, link to IndieGames doesn’t work well. Takes me to the current page.

  • Adam Atomic

    I enjoyed it, though the cameramen were not the greatest, and the restaurant noise reaches “avant garde indie film” levels of obstrusiveness in sections. Disliked pretentious opening credits. Interesting interviews with interesting people though, and I would very much like to see more of these.

  • IndieJoJo

    I LOVED this. Moar, moa- *ahem* More.

    Do you think there’s a sizable enough audience for this?

  • god_oF_DOG

    Wow, that was so interesting that I fell asleep half way through..

    I am going back to porn, at least it’s interesting.

  • Radix

    You’ll probably find you abrubtly lose interest in that halfway through, too.

  • Radix

    I really do know how to spell that word.

  • http://www.chucklefest.net Coleman

    OldManMurray, in the flesh. He should go back to writing that site on the side. Valve games take so long to develop, I don’t think they’d even notice if he just skipped work a few days a week.