Tim Langdell: The EDGE of Insanity?

By: Derek Yu

On: May 29th, 2009

Tim Langdell

Mobigame’s award-winning iPhone game Edge has been removed from the App Store, pending a legal battle with Tim Langdell (pictured at right) over the trademark “Edge.” What’s troubling is that, according to a GameSetWatch article by Simon Carless, Langdell, who founded and owns the company Edge Games, has had a history of using his trademark to cause creators grief and to link himself with various high-profile media projects, including, but not limited to, games.

“We have legal issues with a man named Tim Langdell,” says Mobigame’s David Papazian. “If you already asked why Soul Edge (the Namco game) was called Soul Blade and later Soulcalibur in the US, you have your answer.” (via Fingergaming)

If you look on Tim’s Wikipedia page, you’ll notice that he is associated with Edge Magazine, a Malibu Comics character named Edge, and also the movie The Edge, starring Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin. What Tim actually did on any of these projects is questionable, but my guess would be that it’s about as much work as he will do for Edge, the iPhone game, once all the dust settles. Namely, he threatened to sue the living fuck out of anyone in his path (mind you, this is conjecture).

Anonymous Ninja

You may also notice that the Wikipedia entry is oddly detailed and poorly cited for a man who no one has really given a shit about until now… it’s also under a neutrality dispute. And no wonder – the entire page is almost single-handedly the creation of user Cheridavis, who, very coincidentally, shares the name of Tim’s wife, Cheri Davis Langdell. When pressed on the issue of neutrality, Cheridavis wrote: “You are mistaken. I am writing a book on founding members of the game industry and noticed that Tim Langdell was one of the only people missing from Wikipedia. The article I created is based on my research, not on being Tim Langdell or knowing him personally.” That would be Tim Langdell, the husband of Cheri Davis Langdell, the founder of the game industry, the producer of such notable titles as Fairlight and Snoopy: The Case of the Missing Blanket, and the man who participated in these three roundtables at GDC this year:

– Who Controls a Game’s IP and Who Reaps the Financial Benefit?

– How to Design Your Game So That its IP is More Valuable to Hollywood

– How to Sell Your IP to Hollywood (Without Selling Your Soul)

If you’re wondering where Simon’s article for GSW went, it is, for whatever reason (heh), not available anymore. Unless you go to NeoGAF or any of the other places the article has been reposted. And if, after reading this, you’re wondering, like I was, about Mirror’s Edge, you’ll be happy to note that Mr. Langdell’s EDGE Games is currently working on a new game called “Mirrors a game from Edge,” which I’m sure will not conflict in any way with the popular parkour-inspired FPS.

Jokes aside, the most frightening thing about this entire debacle is not how greedy and disingenuous human beings can be (you should be used to it by now), but that Mr. Greedyguts himself is a board member on the IGDA, a non-profit organization created to empower game developers and advocate on their behalf. Which is, in this author’s distinct opinion and should in no way be construed as a fact, somewhat like having Joseph Mengele on the board of the Red Cross. It’s absolutely fucking ridiculous and brings the credibility of the organization to serious question. How does this happen and what are they going to do about it?

Thanks to mklee for pointing this out, via TIGForums. Thanks to John Nesky for pointing out the GDC roundtables.

Update: The IGDA has responded, and so has Tom Buscaglia, the “Game Attorney” (and also an IGDA board member).

Update 2: The follow-up to this article can be found here.

  • Not me guv, honest.

    Christ, is he *still* at it?

    FTR, he didn’t write Fairlight. He only published it. It was written by the uber talented Bo Jangeborg and really was quite good indeed.

  • Michael Rose

    What a sad, sad man.

  • Paul Eres

    mainstream games industry drama, pass on by

    companies, groups, and people editing their own wikipedia entries are the ruin of wikipedia

    edge is one of the best characters in the entire ff series

    copied from my post in the forums: this is one guy misusing the law in a way it’s not intended to be misused. trademark law is intended to avoid imitations — e.g. some guy opening up a store called mcdonald’s which is not actually a mcdonald’s. it wasn’t designed to avoid people using words for games because a guy already used that word. he would probably lose these court cases if the juries were sensible.

  • Lyx

    Wikipedia doesn’t need others to ruin it – it does a very fine job at that, by trying to be everything simultaneusly, but only succeeding in fucking up in every possible regard.

    Back on the topic: That certain kind of people exist, doesn’t make me go wow. What i consider interesting about the article is the stuff near the end:

    “Jokes aside, the most frightening thing about this entire debacle is not how greedy and disingenuous human beings can be (you should be used to it by now), but that Mr. Greedyguts himself is a board member on the IGDA, a non-profit organization created to empower game developers and advocate on their behalf.”

  • avoidobject

    This is fucking unbelievable. I’m sorry but that’s all I can say. I can’t believe this shit.

  • avoidobject

    Completely fucking ridiculous. I am at a loss for words to even express how I feel about this. How the hell can such people even exist is beyond me.

  • http://mile222.com aeiowu

    He’ll do what he does, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to call for his expulsion from the IGDA.


  • Stwelin

    It’s all very simple, Mobigames, just stick and L in front of the title and everything will be honky-dory.

  • alspal

    Everyone should call their games Edge now.

  • Person what enjoys indie games

    What an asshole.

  • plvhx

    has anyone actually played the iphone game in discussion? it’s bloody wonderful. shame.

  • Person what enjoys indie games

    This is what I hear… it looks fun too.

  • http://www.pesternester.com Mailman

    Wow, that’s incredible. Also ridiculous, what a greedy bastard!

    My thoughts: Anyone want to set up a new IGDA?

  • Cobalt

    Just name your game something like Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly. You don’t see Grasshopper Manufacture being sued now, do ya?

  • raigan

    This reminds me of the time Jon was threatened by the makers of Bubble Thing for his TOJam game “Bubble Thing”:



  • raigan

    Wait, THAT guy is the guitarist from U2?! He has not aged well.

  • J_John

    I think I know that ninja.

    Also, great commentary Mr. Yu.

  • Loki

    I really would like to see something shameful and embarrassing happen to this pitiful man.

  • Rebecca Clements

    Look at the way the second section of the Wiki article is phrased:

    “1971-1990, The Early Years: Forming an Industry”

  • Ninomojo

    I hope Mobigame gets informed help. Langdell is a douche. I’m all for a petition demanding his resignation from IGDA.

  • Craig Stern

    This is just appalling. I’m ashamed to learn that he teaches at my alma mater. :(

  • http://www.oxeyegames.com Kinten

    Haha! Thank god for people like Tim Langdell, they make life so much more inteesting!

    I thought you were kidding about the “Mirrors…. Edge” thing. Haha! I’d like to ask mr Langdell what the view is so far up his own ass.

  • http://FingerGaming.com jonglover

    As Simon said, the dude is hyper-litigious so I appreciate folks picking this up and running with it. David and I were actually exchanging emails for several days (the actual email “interview” runs paragraphs) but we had to be careful as, up until yesterday evening, they were still trying to work something out with Langdell.

    It came down to, “Fuck it, guy’s crazy,” so we threw it up in its neutered state. I don’t think you have to look past his Wiki to realize he’s a disingenuous megalomaniac and last I heard from David they’re probably just going to bite the bullet and change the game’s name.

    Bummers abound.

  • Ken Raw

    What a Wanker.
    And yes, I realise my rather humorous and totally-not-just-made-up-name is an anagram of Wanker.

  • Gainsworthy

    God damn. The word “EDGE” is tradmarked by this guy? How does that even work?

    Wonder if there’s anything that can be done?

  • Flamebait

    This is hilarious. Can’t wait to see him try to defend himself.

    By the way, presumably there’s a legitimate connection between his company (that I’d never heard of before) and Edge magazine, since they both use the same font for their titles. Edge magazine sucks. Regardless, his work on the comics and film must’ve been infantile bullying for profit.

  • Gainsworthy

    OH HOLY SHIT HE MADE THE CLASSIC “Garfield: Big Fat Hairy Deal (1987)”. I think we should back off a little.

  • fabamatic

    If I owned EDGE I would rename the game to Tim Langdell Is a Douchebag

  • Not me guv, honest.

    Flamebait, only in the sense that he “licensed” the Edge name for Future to use, I believe.

    Make of that what you will.

    I’ve friends who’ve had run ins with this fine chap before now and I can only echo what Jon said above really. Strangely enough, he’s got a miraculous way of getting folks backs up.

    Can’t possibly think why.

  • Prio

    “How to Sell Your IP to Hollywood (Without Selling Your Soul)”

    Don’t have a soul to sell, I guess.

  • http://www.stegersaurus.com/ Stegersaurus

    ahh… buh… wha… AHHH!

    There’s idiotic people like this up the ying-yang, but why does the IGDA associate with these people? The IGDA keeps letting me down and it feels like we need a new association, or at least a new board considering the issues we seem to be having rampantly lately with how the IGDA is run. Do we have a board that’s full of people who encourage poor QoL and trademark trolling?

    I’m really wondering about my next branch meeting, considering I’m supposed to present…

  • Langdelleatsshitpie

    His name is Tim “Cocksucker” Langdell…

    Can you dig it? Get it right!

  • Deacon Blues

    I’d go in for that petition.

    And also a compo where everyone calls their game “Edge”.

  • http://www.sophiehoulden.com/blog GirlFlash

    I dont get how he lays claim to the word edge, is he the copyright holder of the dictionary or something?

  • Craig Stern

    Trademarks just protect against substantial likelihood of confusion among consumers. He doesn’t own the word–he’s just bullying people who either don’t know their rights, or don’t have the money to hire lawyers who can defend them.

  • Eighteen-tee

    Does this mean this anus owns U2 music genius The Edge?


  • Xiagan

    Huh. That is thick/sick.
    I vote for another “I’m OK” (I’m over the Edge), based on lobbying, destroying game makers and becoming nevertheless board member of an institution like the IGDA.
    Maybe he even made some (honest) proposals you can use… :P

  • xerus

    I’m not going to contribute to a public hysteria that’s going to cost. Lives.

  • Ezuku

    Ah… this is so rediculous it’s literally funny.

    His IP seems to literally be the word “Edge”.

    But yes, I like the idea of renamming the game to Ledge, or “Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly”, which is a much better name anyway. One word dramatic names are so 90s.

    Anyway, has any of these actually gone to court? Or has he just been threatening people. Because I’m relatively sure he wouldn’t have a leg to stand on in court, “Edge” is in common usage.

  • Flamebait

    @Not me guv, honest: “Flamebait, only in the sense that he “licensed” the Edge name for Future to use, I believe.”

    Right, I was just pointing out that it must’ve been a mutual benefit thing, unlike Langdell’s adventures in edge-based extortion. Yu jumped to conclusions on that particular one. AFAICT he didn’t on any of the other ones.

  • Astrofra

    How long until he finds (google-alerts) this post and sues TigSource for libel ?

  • Jasper

    Just looking at the Edge website I noticed he is about to release all the old C64 games on WiiWare, as the author of one fo these games I wonder if the honest chap is going to pay me royalties, mind you he never paid any when the game came out.

  • Novichock

    He looks like a Jeff Foxworthy.

    The main difference appears to be that Foxworthy isn’t a dickhead.

  • tirco

    haha Jasper are you serious? you know him? tell us more!

  • Foppy

    Maybe a bit over the top to mention Mengele in this context.

  • Foppy

    I agree it’s not nice to claim the ownership of a normal word though.

  • http://0xdeadc0de.org Eclipse

    How is possible to trademark a word like “edge”? Also, for example, if i make a game called “Edge 2: Tim is an asshole” and if i live in a state that’s not UK nor USA, so not under those laws… how it can apply to me?

  • http://0xdeadc0de.org Eclipse

    I’m so going to trademark “polygon”, “triangle” and “vertex”…

  • http://0xdeadc0de.org Eclipse

    Anyway i really hope Electronic Arts will counter-menace him or suit the hell out of this douchebag now

  • raiten
