Tim Langdell: The EDGE of Insanity?

By: Derek Yu

On: May 29th, 2009

Tim Langdell

Mobigame’s award-winning iPhone game Edge has been removed from the App Store, pending a legal battle with Tim Langdell (pictured at right) over the trademark “Edge.” What’s troubling is that, according to a GameSetWatch article by Simon Carless, Langdell, who founded and owns the company Edge Games, has had a history of using his trademark to cause creators grief and to link himself with various high-profile media projects, including, but not limited to, games.

“We have legal issues with a man named Tim Langdell,” says Mobigame’s David Papazian. “If you already asked why Soul Edge (the Namco game) was called Soul Blade and later Soulcalibur in the US, you have your answer.” (via Fingergaming)

If you look on Tim’s Wikipedia page, you’ll notice that he is associated with Edge Magazine, a Malibu Comics character named Edge, and also the movie The Edge, starring Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin. What Tim actually did on any of these projects is questionable, but my guess would be that it’s about as much work as he will do for Edge, the iPhone game, once all the dust settles. Namely, he threatened to sue the living fuck out of anyone in his path (mind you, this is conjecture).

Anonymous Ninja

You may also notice that the Wikipedia entry is oddly detailed and poorly cited for a man who no one has really given a shit about until now… it’s also under a neutrality dispute. And no wonder – the entire page is almost single-handedly the creation of user Cheridavis, who, very coincidentally, shares the name of Tim’s wife, Cheri Davis Langdell. When pressed on the issue of neutrality, Cheridavis wrote: “You are mistaken. I am writing a book on founding members of the game industry and noticed that Tim Langdell was one of the only people missing from Wikipedia. The article I created is based on my research, not on being Tim Langdell or knowing him personally.” That would be Tim Langdell, the husband of Cheri Davis Langdell, the founder of the game industry, the producer of such notable titles as Fairlight and Snoopy: The Case of the Missing Blanket, and the man who participated in these three roundtables at GDC this year:

– Who Controls a Game’s IP and Who Reaps the Financial Benefit?

– How to Design Your Game So That its IP is More Valuable to Hollywood

– How to Sell Your IP to Hollywood (Without Selling Your Soul)

If you’re wondering where Simon’s article for GSW went, it is, for whatever reason (heh), not available anymore. Unless you go to NeoGAF or any of the other places the article has been reposted. And if, after reading this, you’re wondering, like I was, about Mirror’s Edge, you’ll be happy to note that Mr. Langdell’s EDGE Games is currently working on a new game called “Mirrors a game from Edge,” which I’m sure will not conflict in any way with the popular parkour-inspired FPS.

Jokes aside, the most frightening thing about this entire debacle is not how greedy and disingenuous human beings can be (you should be used to it by now), but that Mr. Greedyguts himself is a board member on the IGDA, a non-profit organization created to empower game developers and advocate on their behalf. Which is, in this author’s distinct opinion and should in no way be construed as a fact, somewhat like having Joseph Mengele on the board of the Red Cross. It’s absolutely fucking ridiculous and brings the credibility of the organization to serious question. How does this happen and what are they going to do about it?

Thanks to mklee for pointing this out, via TIGForums. Thanks to John Nesky for pointing out the GDC roundtables.

Update: The IGDA has responded, and so has Tom Buscaglia, the “Game Attorney” (and also an IGDA board member).

Update 2: The follow-up to this article can be found here.

  • raiten

    I want to know why the article was pulled from GameSetWatch. Will the real Simon Carless please stand up

  • dacowboy

    im in for the EDGE game compo. never made a game before but hey, this is the perfect occasion to do so.

  • http://dariusforigda.org Darius K.

    His legal actions notwithstanding, Tim Langdell is on the IGDA Board because he won the election to get on the Board.

  • Madgarden

    Yay, Edge is in the Canadian App store… Canuckistan forevah!

    I agree, TIGS needs to have an EDGE-themed game competition. That would be too grand.

  • Not me guv, honest.

    “Right, I was just pointing out that it must’ve been a mutual benefit thing, unlike Langdell’s adventures in edge-based extortion”

    It depends how you define mutually beneficial, I guess.

  • Amanda

    I reckon somebody needs to actually take him to court on one of these things, because he won’t win; you can’t copyright a word. Is he gonna come after me if I tell people “I’m on the edge of my seat”? Come on, this is ridiculous. Somebody sue this guy.
    Also, rename the game to “Edge; with no copyright to Tim Langdell cause he’s a douche”, and then people can shorten it to “Edge”. Let’s see him sue every user of the game.

  • Lurk

    “Langdell has been lead producer, designer and writer on all of EDGE”

    Which in the game industry means he was part of meetings, made the dev staff’s life miserable with his ‘suggestions’ and was incidently the only team member with more than enough free time to self-promote his career to the press and throw in a couple of empty buzzwords and theories about how to make games. If his ego had stayed in this harmless, classic god’s gift to gaming stage we see too often with big-head designers today, that would be unremarkable. But hindering others in their own endeavors is really appalling. Just goes to show how the IGDA is becoming nothing more than a podium for these superstars to stroke their miserable all-important selves.

  • 7p83h

    he is not the problem,

    he is just an ass having his way within laws. like your neighbour mowing his lawn at 8am.

    the judicial system is to blame for this being legal.

  • qnp

    I have acquired the rights for the word “the”.
    Henceforth anyone wanting to use the word “the” in any of their game titles, please contact my lawyers and we can arrange a monthly payment settlement.


  • raiten

    I’ve acquired the rights for the name Tim Langdell.

  • qnp

    Just checked out his Wiki entry and obviously the anger has finally/already reached his page as the first line reads:

    Tim Langdell…is a video game producer, game programmer and game designer as well as a university professor and a **douchebag**

  • RazputinOleander

    @raiten: Goddamn! It’s about time! :D

  • NiN

    You should see what is says now. Just

    “Tim Langdell (born ~1653 in Oxford, England) does not deserve a wikipedia page. Good day.”

    “Occupation: Video game designer; massive douche”

  • lurker

    Tim Langdell (born ~1657 in Oxford, England) does not deserve a wikipedia page. Good day.


  • raiten

    I’d like to draw people’s attention to the fact that Tim Langdell is now posting on the forums, using the nick “mopius” (he’s not doing that “cheridavis” mistake again!)


  • Schoon

    The IGDA is a democracy. The Board is voted upon. There are that many ignorant game developers, even among those who are actually caring / voting members, which isn’t that many to begin with… End of story…

  • sqrrl

    this is taken from the wiki entry for Edge Games:
    “Edge Games is a British video game developer and publisher headquartered in Pasadena, California and with offices in London, England. It has not created a video game in over a decade, and is now primarily concerned with rehashing old “hits” to make a quick buck while they focus on stamping out young, talented developers under their heel of the EDGE copyright.”
    lol, somebody should temporarily name their baby Tim Langdell, and then buy the copyright for that name.

  • Foppy

    > “We have the trademark EDGE in Europe (where the game is still available),” Papazian tells FingerGaming.

    What does this mean?

    Are they doing the same thing Langdell does?

  • cactus

    Incredible. What a guy :D

  • beemoh

    Also, the rotating E image near the bottom of his site has actually been lifted directly from an old Edge Magazine website, circa issue 90.

  • Burk

    I love how he claims to own everything with the word edge in. I thought trolls were just 12-16 year olds who believe they are funny, But I guess some people stay immature.

  • Thward

    I looked Langdell up on the USC website. He is listed as having taught classes there, but he is not in the faculty directory. Even professors far less douchebaggy (neologism, FFS) than Langdell would throw a conniption fit if they weren’t listed as being part of the faculty. Some more research is necessary, but his claim to be a “professor” at USC (as opposed to teaching there) seems a bit of a stretch.

  • Greg

    Tim Langdell ( tim at edgegames dot com )
    Independent Game Designer & Developer / Lead Game Professor, National University
    Tim Langdell

    This is going to be a tough year ahead — never a greater need for the IGDA to serve its members even more fully, and if elected I will help.

    I am passionate about the game industry and fortunate to have been part of it since the late 1970s when I founded EDGE Games. Having worked on over 200 games, from AAA games through to mobile games, I am currently designing several original console games, an MMO which I am really excited about, and an original TV-Series/game tie-in where I will also be producing the TV show as well as designing the game.

    Since 1990 I have been doing all I can to “give back” to help build the game industry:

    * Co-founded the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences in the early 1990s — my original vision was for it be a vehicle to standardize game industry credits through an annual awards show.
    * Instigated game classes at USC’s Film School in 1992, taught there 14 years, and am now lead game prof at National University where I run the MFA program in game production out of San Jose , LA and San Diego . I’ve been working to find ways to use games to motivate at-risk kids and help young adults with learning disabilities.
    * Been working tirelessly to integrate the efforts of the IGDA with film/TV industry by liaising with the Producers Guild (member of its New Media Board), the Writer’s Guild (Vice Chair of its Videogame Writers Caucus), and the Television Academy/Emmys (member) to coordinate game credits and advocate games. I was very proud to chair the WGA committee which launched the first 2008 WGA Award for Videogame Writing, and am now working on the first ever Producers Guild award for game producing.
    * I’ve been an active member of the IGDA, written books on games, and given numerous conference papers.

    If elected to the board I would have three key goals:

    1. 2009 is going to be a rough year and I if elected I would urge the IGDA Board to help its members through these tough times.
    2. Further empower the IGDA special initiatives like Credits Standardization, Quality of Life and Games Curriculum – great progress, but we need to do more.
    3. Advocate equally for everyone in the game industry from indie developers to AAA studios.

    Feel free to check out a more in-depth bio here.

    Tim’s volunteer contributions:

    * Member, Writers SIG Steering Committee
    * Advisor, Los Angeles Chapter
    * Liaison Committee Chair, Game Writers SIG
    * Contributor and sub-editor, Writing SIG book “Game Writing: Narrative Skills for Videogames” (2007)
    * Contributor, Game Education SIG
    * Advisor, Student Game Development Club at National University

    What a fucking joke.

  • Paul Eres

    everyone: please stop confusing trademark and copyright. i know you guys aren’t legal experts, but at least be the type of people who look up stuff and learn about stuff, cause they’re completely different things.

    also, saying juries ‘allow’ this to be legal may be incorrect: we don’t know if this has actually ever reached court. far more likely people just can’t be bothered with a legal battle and just bow to his pressure.

    similarly, the igda is elected by paying members. join and vote against him (there is a fee, but indie developers are allowed afaik). the reason he wins is because we people aren’t usually bothered to research something before thinking we know about it enough to act on it or talk about it.

  • Flamebait

    @Not me guv, honest:”It depends how you define mutually beneficial, I guess.”

    Well, no, it depends on what really happened. Langdell demanding that they use his typeface is implausible to me. Them using his typeface after shovelling over money to use the word “edge” is also implausible. Langdell stealing the typeface from Edge magazine after the fact is possible but not the most likely case. But who cares? It’s not important in the face of everything else this twat’s done.

    Mopius is probably Langdell- I can see someone disagreeing with the consensus, but why would some random guy register just to throw around insults at people who don’t like another random?

  • Loki

    Ahaha, the edge games wiki entry now has a swastika.
    Screenshot for posterity: http://i40.tinypic.com/29z25on.jpg

  • boomlinde

    Edge game competition, anyone?

  • DarkFalzX

    Shit like this really makes my blood boil. An unscrupulous scumbag that scams credit, and possibly royalties from talented but poor, or possibly legally-clueless people. Why have we never heard of Langdell VS EA lawsuit over Mirror’s Edge (and no, I don’t mean the “Mirrors new game from the EDGE”) for allegedly infringing on his trademark – because it’s legal nonsense! If anyone would’ve had the resource to take this sleazebag on – the case would’ve been thrown out of court as trademark is a very, very VERY specific kind of thing, and every specific situational use of the trademark requires its own $300 application (so to cover a broad range of media, as this douchebag has assumed we would think he did, he’d need at least, say $50 mil).
    Moreover, I have been fruitlessly searching through US Patent and Trademark database for his company – and so far – no dice!
    Additionally – him stealing the EDGE magazine logo looks like the most plausible explanation as illustrated below:

  • v1510n

    You can copyright a word, given a specific range. What about “Tide” detergent?


    “Edge” related to Games is not generic. “Edge” for shaving cream is suggestive. However, courts really have been slow on IP. They’ve been especially slow on the internet and probably extremely slow on video games. One thing they should realize is that with video games, the producer’s name has very little to deal with the products they create.

  • O

    Thing about trademark is you really do have to be able to justify it when it’s tested in court. This really is just a huge bluff.

    It’s a shame attention was brought to this now, actually. EA would’ve legally steamrolled the motherfucker.

  • jim

    awesome deconstruction of someone who sounds like a total asshole. just like those domain squatters really.

  • headcrab.

    If there is any justice in the world, this man will get raped a man with a chainsaw penis.

    I am, of course, referring to myself.

  • ptoing

    How about a TIGS Compo where all the games have to have Edge in the title and also some gameplay mechanic involving edges and such. :P

  • anamegoeshere

    The EDGE compo must happen. It’s too good of an idea for it not to happen.

    Derek, or whoever runs the site. Please make it a reality. Please please, pretty pleaaaaaseeee!

  • ZombiePixel

    Absolutely – the EDGE competition must happen immediately!

  • avoidobject

    i second this notion

  • http://www.burningnorth.com/ George

    Throwing my support behind the EDGE compo. Hell, we should all just storm the IGF with EDGE games this year. That ought to set Langdell’s teeth on, err, EDGE.

    Does this mean we won’t get any more *Phoenix Wright* titles in the states? There’s a character named Edgeworth, fer chrissake!

    We can’t call innovative games “cutting edge” anymore? (though on second thought, that might be refrshing)

    And what of GameStop’s infamous EDGE card? Sweet Raptorchrist, IS NOTHING SACRED?

    On a more serious note, however, this is fucking ridiculous. If I find that he’s trolling the TIGS forums with a fake username, I may have to call him out at GDC 2010. How childish and unprofessional. At least *I* think through my venom enough to feel comfortable using my real name.

    What the hell kind of standards do we have in this industry? And to think we were all SHOCKED when Heather Chaplin called us a bunch of little boys. With guys like Langdell running amok, I’m amazed she didn’t just flat-out explode during her rant. Even *I’m* furious right now, and my level of maturity is highly suspect.

    I don’t know who should be more ashamed: Langdell for being such a maniac, or all of us for somehow electing him to the Board without knowing what he had up his sleeve.

    God, this guy makes me almost as angry as the Houser brothers.

  • Enzo
  • Enzo
  • Enzo

    sorry, right link:


    Digg it, let’s get this out there

  • http://digg.com/gaming_news/Trademark_Troll_Gets_Mobigames_EDGE_Taken_Down raiten

    click on my nick above for a functioning digg link


    Hey Tim,

    I played Garfield big fat hairy deal on the Amiga, didn’t pay for it got a copy of course lolz and it was a terrible game and really depressing for some reason, always made me feel down because the world in it felt so lifeless and horrible… now I know why because you’re fucking dead inside

  • http://www.greg-anims.com Greg-Anims

    what a scumbag

    im all for an edge games competition

  • Secret Admirer

    Man, what a fucking weasel.

  • Anon

    Someone needs to slashdot this.

  • http://shinji16.110mb.com Shinji16

    On the EDGE site, there is a number for corporate. I’m calling tomorrow. Because this is just like how Monster (the HDMI cable company) sues everyone, even if they’ve been using Monster in their title (Monster Energy Drinks, for example) longer than Monster (hdmi) has been around.

    Seriously, fuck this guy. And I hope this causes a shitstorm large enough for a lawsuit over Mirror’s Edge and copyright titles.

  • http://www.tombuscaglia.com Tom B

    I am speaking now for myself and NOT on behalf of the IGDA or as an IGDA Board member. But as me, Tom Buscaglia, The Game Attorney.

    This dispute relates to a company enforcing its properly registered Trademark. While you or I may not agree with the laws related to Trademarks, they are what they are. Moreover, the IGDA represents the individuals who make games, not the companies that make them. So, although no one is more committed to independent developers than I am, this is a legal dispute between two companies regarding an alleged Trademark infringement. So, while I laud your efforts to fight for the little guy here, these matters are for the court of law, not for a public opinion.

    I think this matter is a bit more complex that it has been presented too…As someone who has litigated intellectual property cases, I can tell you that these cases are never as simple as they might seem, especially when one only has access to one side of the story. I suspect that is you had spend 20 odd years building a Trademark to brand your studio and games, and paid to have a Trademark registered, you might also feel compelled to enforce your trade name. BTW, if you do not enforce your Trademark, you may lose it. So you may want to also take that into account in your analysis!

    Trade and service marks, usually both called “trademarks”, are words, symbols and other things use to identify the source of a product in commerce. Some little know trademarks are Kodak Yellow and the sound of a Harley. Both are protected. But usually trademarks are names and logos. This description of a trademark from the U.S. Patent and Trademark office may help:

    “A trademark is a word, name, symbol or device which is used in trade with goods to indicate the source of the goods and to distinguish them from the goods of others. A servicemark is the same as a trademark except that it identifies and distinguishes the source of a service rather than a product. The terms “trademark” and “mark” are commonly used to refer to both trademarks and servicemarks.

    “Trademark rights may be used to prevent others from using a confusingly similar mark, but not to prevent others from making the same goods or from selling the same goods or services under a clearly different mark. Trademarks which are used in interstate or foreign commerce may be registered with the Patent and Trademark Office.”

    I personally do not think that lobbying the IGDA to intervene or even take sides in a legal dispute is the right approach. If Tim’s position is correct (and I do not have enough information to determine that issue one way of the other) you are recommending that the IGDA potentially support a party who has infringed a legal and enforceable Trademark..and that’s just nutty!

    So, I just do not see that as a viable position for the organization under any circumstances. In any case, I do not see any Board member vigorously enforcing his legal rights as contrary to the code of ethics in any way. I regret that Bob’s thoughtful response did not satisfy you…but I agree with his position on this matter.

    Tom B

  • Not me guv, honest.

    Tom, I appreciate your response but it’s woefully missing the point. No-one is asking the IGDA to intervene in a legal dispute.

    The issue at hand is one of Mr Langdell’s repeated behaviour. Repeated deceptive behaviour in the eyes of the UK registrar and certain courts in the US and how it’s completely at odds with the core values of the IGDA. How it makes a mockery of those values also.

    I’m sorry the board don’t see that as an issue. I’m more sorry the board can’t see why it’s an issue and are instead focusing solely on the current EDGE case rather than the more far reaching issue at hand.

    With all the good will in the world, Tom, it’s still an issue of trust and asking the IGDA board members to uphold the values they espouse. Mr Langdell has repeatedly proven that level of trust can’t be applied to his actions as an individual and on behalf of his organisations.

    This is the core of the problem, not specifically the current ongoing case.

  • ptoing

    The problem is that normal words can be trademarked, which as far as common sense goes is fucking retarded.

  • http://www.dyson-game.com Alex May

    I think I’ll *not* be checking out that IGF Finalist Kit you emailed me Tom. Thanks anyway.