Teppoman 2

By: Derek Yu

On: June 29th, 2010

Teppoman 2

After 2 years, the prolific Ikiki has finally re-emerged with a sequel to one of his earliest games, the 2003 run n’ gun Teppoman. Teppoman 2 (second from the top) has all the hallmarks of a great Ikiki release, from the protagonist’s skillful acrobatics to the charming thick-line pixel art style with which he renders his apparently nude characters. The levels, which are small but get quite challenging, can often be circumvented in multiple ways and are filled with secrets for players who are willing to hunt around and can make use of the many moves available to them. Every fifth level of the game is a boss fight, after which the game will end unless the player has collected the requisite number of bananas that are scattered across the levels, sometimes in well-hidden recesses (for the first boss you need at least 5 bananas). Definitely a solid entry to Ikiki’s vast catalog of games.

Although pretty much all of his games are worth checking out for one reason or another (if not for the depth, then for the humor), if you’re new to Ikiki, I’d recommend playing Nikujin or Hakaiman, my personal favorites. Nikujin, in particular, has become a cult favorite for its imposing difficulty and fun game mechanics (it’s the ninja game where I feel most like a ninja while playing). Check out Daiz play the game about as well as anyone could hope to in this video.

Along with Teppoman 2, Ikiki released another game, Nozumou (first from the top), in which you control a sumo that has to defeat smaller sumos while avoiding larger ones. I’m not sure I’ve figured the game out entirely, but it seems very simple. Press “Shift” to start the game.

Controls for Teppoman 2:

Arrow Keys – Move
Shift – Jump
Control – Attack
Down – Open chests/pick up items
Jump on Wall – Wall Jump
Double-Tap Left/Right – Dash
Dash + Jump – Long Jump
Dash + Immediate Jump – Glide (can be used to skim across water)
Dash and Turn – Skid
Skid + Jump – High Jump
A – Discard weapon
J – Suicide

(Source: Tim W., via the IndieGames.com blog)

TIGdb: Entry for Teppoman 2

  • http://twitter.com/BigglesB Biggles Bristol

    Wow, that game is HARD!

  • Asdf

    link is broken D: I got it from tigdb

  • http://www.derekyu.com Derek Yu

    Oh, I guess they don't like direct linking! Fixed.

  • BlademasterBobo

    Hasn't this been out for awhile? I remember playing this a year or two ago… I'm pretty much 100% sure it was, and I know it wasn't another one of his games.

  • BlademasterBobo

    Note: I'm not complaining, it was just kind of weird downloading it and getting this huge sense of deja vu and realizing I knew where most of the stuff was already.

  • MisterX

    From what I've heard the beta version of Teppoman 2 has been out for at least a year or two, but only now has it been finished.

  • Bobodahobo

    Now I'm just waiting for a sequel to Hakaiman!

  • raelz

    Hooray! Ikiki's back! I love how he just ignores his renown in the english-speaking world.

  • Toadman667

    The download link on the Nikujin page is broken D:

  • BC

    You forgot to add that 'A' discards your weapon.
    As for Nozumou, you are correct in understanding that you must defeat the smaller fighters while avoiding ones that are bigger than you. All the rest that you need to know is that,

    Knocking out enemies will make you grow fatter;
    Eating one of the four chanko stew pots will make you grow much bigger;
    And eating one of the stew pots after knocking out a ton of enemies will cause you to grow much bigger than just eating it alone.

    Taken from the readme. I'm glad you spotted Nozumou, as I think that one definitely deserves plugging as well. Very stupidly fun and difficult as you progress.

  • http://www.derekyu.com Derek Yu

    My best is 291! What does the second number mean? My best for that is 597.

  • Xeno

    Killls over Time I think.
    Teppoman isn't hard, but it's very fun! Thanks for the post.

  • fleshBasedProcessor

    For the life of me I can't figure out level 7. It is really frustrating since the rest of the game was fun but if I can't get any further I'll have to stop playing.

  • hon

    Not doujin

  • http://www.derekyu.com Derek Yu

    You can shoot through the electricity barrier with the sniper rifle…

  • Paint by Numbers

    Did we ever figure out the deal with Ikiki? I mean, it seems like he's mentally ill most of the time. The “information” part of his website is some weird rant about putting meat in your pocket.

    Does he know that we love him over here? Does he care?

  • BC

    First is how many guys you outlasted, the second is how many kilos you weighed at the end! I think I got to about 590 too, can't remember.

  • BC

    ^ This is obscure Japanese humor, nothing more.

    Unofficial wiki,

    Seems he dropped the 'Ikiki' moniker awhile back and goes by Uuta now, URL notwithstanding. See BBS here (http://www.mishinon.com/sr3_bbss/sr3_bbss.cgi?c…) , he's the angry guy with the big nose at the top.

    If you're stuck on some levels the strategy section of the wiki contains some jaw-droppingly meticulous details about how to advance.

  • bombboy

    This game's title means 'Gun man'

    Not gunman

    but GUN MAN

    you know. I thought it was silly and sort of cute.

  • Eclipse

    I'd love a sequel too!

  • Eclipse_TIGS

    it was fixed :)

  • Bennett

    Surely Bokorin is the best Ikkiki game.

  • Peppysjunk

    Anyone else get an error when trying to run the exe file? More importantly, anyone else get that error and then figure out a way to fix it?

  • Megaron

    Uh, second link isn't Teppoman.

  • Gamingdew

    Awesome :)
    I've been waiting so long for his newest game… Finnaly, yo!

  • fleshBasedProcessor

    I did figure that out, but I just could not figure out how to grab the ladder. I looked up a video and figured out what to do, but I'm still not quite sure why it worked.

  • Blueberry_pie

    Rename the file to something with western (or whatever your Windows prefers) characters. That fixed it for me.

  • http://twitter.com/Toadsanime Ryan Brown

    Oh, thank God, this is a brilliant yet surprising announcement. I was worried we had permanentely lost one of our indie gods.

  • Toadman667

    http://db.tigsource.com/games/nikujin It's still not working for me :/

  • kris

    I'm diggin' the game over theme

  • Eclipse_TIGS

    Oh true, Nikujin download link on tigdb is broken :
    download it from here for the moment: http://www.acid-play.com/download/nikujin/

  • Nikica

    It is.

  • Peppysjunk

    Why thank you. Awesome game.

  • http://www.facebook.com/AllenSmithee Samuel Smithee Bateman

    Yup, I had talked to him about him developing this. I couldn't wait, glad to see it is released!

    Now to add it to my complete Ikiki collection!

  • Curezen

    i can't get any of em to run they all give me an error

  • bee sting jr

    Most intense and satisfying game I've played in forever, esp. that final boss. Ikiki is the game design master.

  • SW

    ya it just gives me an alert sound without any error message (game doesn't start)

    Running on Windows XP
    Asus NetBook 1000HE

    any suggestions or fixes would be greatly appretiated.


  • smallfry

    I like it! But not as good as my favorite, tekkyuuman.

  • Bleagle

    Eh, the game ends at stage 5, at least for me.. How can I get to level 7? After I beat the boss, the window just closes.

  • MisterX

    I don't mean to be too snarky, but the answer is in the article :)

  • Bleagle

    Ohh, no.. But someday it had to happen to me. Anyway, thx for the answer MisterX : )

  • Maciej

    When I hit Y then 'Enter password' message appear. What is it for?

  • PHeMoX

    The 'inflatable' sumo game is cool, but very weird. For some reason you can grow till screen size and then there's no way to lose (nor win?).

    Fun nonetheless!

  • mainecoon