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The Expelations of The Little Green Pod Man

By: Terry

On: December 11th, 2007

podmanIt’s kinda difficult to explain this one. The Expelations of The Little Green Pod Man is essentially a platformer with a neat gimmick – instead of jumping, you can transform yourself into a Venus Flytrap that spits you out onto new ledges. You can also make the plant grow towards bees to reposition it, and swallow the bees to make it shoot you further. On top of that there are a few subtleties to how it all works that you pick up as you go along.

To be honest, it’s easier to just play it and see how it works for yourself than it is to explain. Thankfully, it’s a fun little game to play, though a little frustrating at times. It helps that the song accompanying it suits the game perfectly.

Also, for no apparent reason it has a picture of a squirrel in the loading screen. Who among us doesn’t appreciate that?

(Thanks, Moshboy!)