Posts with ‘PomPom’ Tag

Mutant Storm Empire

By: Xander

On: October 31st, 2007

Image courtesy of Destructoid

The internet sighs in blissful nostalgia today as Mutant Storm Empire hits Xbox Live Arcade! Only $10 / £6.80 / 800pts, it’s pretty much the same pricing of PomPom Games’ other two main shooter releases, the original Mutant Storm and Space Tripper on the PC, and Mutant Storm Reloaded which is also on the XBLA.

So far, it’s been a damn blast to play, and the best way to describe it is a Space Tripper/Mutant Storm Smoothie. There are 4 worlds and 4 levels in each, but each level contains a different variety of battle situation. The first level, for instance, is a progression through rooms, whereas another later on is an arena-based affair like the previous Mutant Storms. And another will encompass you in a square field as it moves horizontally across the playing field. Regardless of setting, it controls simply, with the left stick for movement and the right stick for shooting. The triggers can also be used to fire a super-charged version of the regular shot, but ammo is limited and only replenishes at the end of each level so use it wisely!

The style of the game is fantastic, and encompasses a lot of themes from PomPom’s past and other shoot ‘em ups. The second world in particular has a much more organic feel to it than the rest of the levels, and the swarms of fish-attackers especially are pretty damn swish. Nods to Space Tripper are also prevalent, including a spider boss and shielded spawn-cores. It’s basically good old-fashioned PomPom fun. It’s simple, affordable and plays wonderfully.

It’s also a lot closer to Space Tripper in terms of length, so don’t expect to pour Touhou levels of time into this one, but with 5 difficulties to plough through (Black Belt currently handing my ass to me on a silver platter), there’s certainly your money’s worth in there. If you’ve got a 360, there’s no reason not to check it out, at least for the three-level trial!

Further reading: Derek interviewed the PomPom duo a couple of years back, and it still makes for an entertaining read, in case you need a break from smashing your joypad against a difficulty spike.

(Image courtesy of Destructoid because robots are awesome…)

Mutant Storm Empire Trailers

By: Derek Yu

On: August 5th, 2007

Looks pretty sweet! I like the organic-looking enemies. Hit the jump for another trailer and a link to Mutant Storm Empire’s Gametrailers page.

Click here for HD versions of the above videos and some older trailers.

(Source: Indygamer)

Bliss Island

By: Derek Yu

On: October 30th, 2006

Bliss Island

Apparently, Pom Pom (aka, the Mutant Storm guys) are developing a casual game for Codemasters called Bliss Island (link to video). It looks kind of like Mario Party, except starring those things from Chuzzle. Which always looked to me like the Fryguys from old McDonald’s ads. Which begs the question: why do people think that large hairy things with big googly eyes are appealing to people? As a kid, those Fryguys scared the shit out of me.

(Source: GameSetWatch)

Mutant Storm Empire

By: Derek Yu

On: June 30th, 2006

Mutant Storm Empire

Pom Pom, the creators of Mutant Storm for PC and XBox Live Arcade, are apparently working on an XBLA-only (fuck!) sequel to MS called Mutant Storm Empire. Graphically, it looks like kind of a cross between MS and their first game, Space Tripper. I like the look of the less abstract environs and enemies.