Posts with ‘Pondwater’ Tag


By: Derek Yu

On: July 9th, 2007


Wourme pointed out that QWERTY Warriors 2 looks a lot like Typogun, a “typing defense” game by the creator of The Jeluvian Project. And you know what, it really does!

I like Typogun more. Having to hit enter at the end of your word feels better to me, like I’m punching the trigger after loading a big round of buckshot into my cannon. And I enjoy seeing the definitions on the screen, as well. The wordlists are quite small, unfortunately. You can add your own words to the list, but it would have been nice to have a dictionary full of words to begin with. Also, I think “fortuitous” is spelled wrong.

Having played both games, I’m left kind of wishing for a new typing game that’s got everything these two have and then some. Because even after playing these games and putting up a bunch of posts I still have a hankering for some hot, sweaty, typing action! I’m a beast!

The Jeluvian Project

By: Derek Yu

On: February 20th, 2007

The Jeluvian Project

In the The Jeluvian Project you control small squads of “drones” using the mouse and keyboard to complete various objectives (which usually involve destroying enemy drones) over 14 missions. In order to be successful, you have to pick your battles and skillfully manipulate your drones in combat. Drones come in a variety of flavors.

I’m becoming more and more impressed with the games made by the Game Maker community. TJP is a really polished little gem! The graphics and sound are top notch and the underlying strategy, while not particularly deep, is pretty satisfying. The story is also fairly engaging and unfolds in between missions.

If I had one complaint, it’s that what should be keyboard shortcuts end up being part of the forced controls scheme. That is, I want to be able to play the game with one hand… and what my other hand would be doing is none of your damn business. But it will be in my pants, I’ll tell you that much.

(Source: Tim’s Blog!)

Update Part Deux: The site’s back up, but just in case:

Mirror #1 (me!)

Mirror #2 (D-Mac!)