Posts from ‘Action’ Category

Blood Over

By: Derek Yu

On: December 14th, 2007

Blood Over

Blood Over

Blood Over is a doujin side-scrolling game with mechanics similar to the Devil May Cry series (i.e. two guns, melee attacks, and combos). Plus there’s a girl in a maid outfit that follows you around, who you can occasionally order to blow everything away with a minigun.

Hardcore Gaming 101 has a more or less complete review which you might as well read, if you’re interested (see first link). The summary is that it’s nifty, but just okay. All I’ll add is that the demo only contains two levels and the main keys you use are Z, X, and C. You can download the demo on this page (second link down).

Video: Off-Road Velociraptor Safari

By: Brandon McCartin (BMcC)

On: December 13th, 2007

Alpha footage of Flashbang Studios’ next game:
Off-Road Velociraptor Safari

This game looks every bit as awesome as its title would suggest.

Coming out next Friday, December 21st, 2007. (I hope!)

Last of the Patriots

By: Derek Yu

On: December 5th, 2007

Last of the Patriots

This is an odd one.

I was checking my spam folder for a verification e-mail and found an e-mail from a Paul Davis instead, linking me to his new indie game. Somehow, that feels like a fitting beginning to my strange journey into Last of the Patriots.

From the screen, you may think that the game is a shoot ’em up, as I did. However, the focus is really on dialogue and story-advancement. The few combat sequences are short, and require very little skill. In fact, the website explains this:

Most games are designed on a game-design document. LOTP was designed on a movie-script format which you can view here. [Note: no link is actually provided to the script.]

For all intents and purposes, this is a B-Game, and I shan’t list all the areas in which it’s broken. I will say that there is one point where you’re supposed to run away from a legion of hitmen, but because of the non-existent AI and poor collision detection, the hitmen immediately get stuck on one another, effectively waiting in line for you to punch them to death with a beer bottle. The game is also extremely short (being the first episode of what can only be an epic space saga) and can be beaten in less than an hour. Enough said. It’s amusing for what it is and it reminds me of Dink Smallwood for some reason.

Paul Davis

But this is one of those times where I am fascinated not so much with the game itself, but with the developer, and I’ll tell you why:

1. Paul is credited as a level designer for both Grand Theft Auto 3 and 4, as well as Manhunt 1 and 2.

2. Paul has (from his Mobygames profile) a “unique personality, and is an ‘outgoing’ character. Carrying with him a virtual army of buzz words and jive talk he is a renowned bachelor, and uses his weapons to systematically insult, then get the number of, every girl he meets. This self proclaimed ‘crazy motherf$$ker’ lives in a hotel in Leith Links, Edinburgh.”

3. Though the game itself is, well… fairly subpar, with no small amounts of clichéd story points and dialogue, it’s endlessly amusing to read quotes like this on the website:

LOTP has been suggested to be a metaphor of the war in Iraq. Although the team feels it’s deeper message is about shadow projection from Jungian psychology. What do you think it’s all about?

This is one of those times where I can’t at all tell how serious the developer is about it all, but I have to commend him for being a crazy motherf$$ker making indie games. Serious MDickie moment here.


By: Derek Yu

On: December 5th, 2007


Superb little abstract game, from the creator of the Punishment series. Very economical in its design. The inherent frustration is balanced by instantaneous reloading after death.

Watch the trailer in the extended for an idea of the game mechanics involved.

Note: the game automatically saves at the end of each of the 8 “gates.”

(Thanks, Eden!)

Garden Gnome Carnage

By: Xander

On: December 4th, 2007


Apparently there’s a Game Maker Winter Contest on at the moment which I somehow had no idea about. Probably has something to do with the monumental news posts underneath me (which strike upon my love of things both mermaid and goo related). However, given the quality of Garden Gnome Carnage, it’s certainly something I shouldn’t be overlooking, which is partly why it’s highlighted here! The other reason is that it’s also the first game I’ve ever shouted ‘How the heck do I stop beating off this cat?!’ whilst playing, so if nothing else I need to clear my name with the neighbours and/or animal protection societies.

In Garden Gnome Carnage you play a building, which is attached to a gnome. Or you play a gnome attached to a building. In the ensuing insanity it’s easy to forget. The idea is to stop the elves from entering the roof of the chimney by smashing them in the face with your gnome, or by any of the other methods of attack you can find. For instance the gnome can pick up bricks from your building to throw into crowds of elves, who then launch into the sky to take down sleighs, which rain destruction back down on the elves you missed first time around.

This combo system is the key to scoring big in the game, and the overall carnage that ensues from taking advantage of it is fantastic. As an extra incentive for doing this, you’re awarded tips at the end of each game which clue you in on extra abilities and attacks you never thought a building and a gnome were capable of. It’s insane, and that’s what makes it so damnbokorin-tastic to play, with so many aspects of the gameplay hidden amongst the debris, death and ridiculous hat/footwear. Just wait until you hit 80,000 points!

Update:Version 2 – Download

Also Hit the extended for gameplay footage and some PROTIP usage also courtesy of Ultimortal himself!
(Source: Paul Eres via the ever awesome Indygamer )

Bokorin Pwnd

By: Tim

On: November 30th, 2007

World record by Benzido.

Knight Man III: The Demon Within

By: Derek Yu

On: November 29th, 2007

Knight Man III: The Demon Within

Knight Man III: The Demon Within is a top-down action RPG that is reminiscent of Darthlupi’s Game Maker classic, Mage Craft. Unfortunately, the game is hampered by its repetitive combat system and numerous bugs (some annoying, and some REALLY annoying), which, while they don’t render the game unplayable, can make it a pretty frustrating experience. It’s always fun to go around killing monsters with swords and magic, but I can’t recommend it in its current state.

It’s worth noting that the developer, KingDiz Entertainment, is strongly inspired by Blizzard (and Warcraft in particular), and it’s obvious in the game’s overall aesthetic, as well as its storyline.


By: Derek Yu

On: November 25th, 2007


With Bokorin, Ikiki goes back to the basics… the basics of being nude and kicking the crap out of other nude people! Press the Shift button to jump and Control to perform attacks. You can get combos either by knocking your opponents into each other, or by hitting them again and again before they hit the ground – I’m not really sure which.

This one’s pretty addicting for me, for some reason. I think it’s that loud “hit” sound effect that sounds like a cow being split in half with a metal baseball bat. That, and the exploding apple on the title screen.

My best score is 1848. Can you guys do any better?

EDIT: A-ha! You can hold down the ‘z’ button to slow time. Thanks, Benzido (Champion of All Things Naked and Naming)!


By: Derek Yu

On: November 16th, 2007


Picked up Pineappo because I thought an Ikiki game about tropical fruit might be interesting… nope, it’s another overhead commando game!

The “pineappo,” in this case, must refer to the grenades you use in lieu of a gun (press “z”). You can also punch guards by pressing shift (very dangerous), or… perform an action which appears to be spitting (“x”). I think it’s meant to draw the guards’ attentions, but I’m not sure.

It’s fun to see how Ikiki’s designs develop from game to game. This one definitely feels like it comes somewhere between Tetuhau and Hakaiman, when you examine the mechanics involved, as well as the overall polish.

I feel like I just uncovered the missing link, or something.


By: Derek Yu

On: November 14th, 2007


IkikiWatch 2007 continues, thanks in no small part to pkt-zero, who provided me with a zip of all the games! Thanks, man!

This time I pulled out Tetuhau, which looks to be a precursor to Hakkaiman, which I really enjoyed. It is, as you can imagine, much more primitive all around, with a noticeable absence of neck-snapping! On the other hand, the cutscenes are pretty entertaining.

It’s extremely short!