Posts from ‘Unique / Bizarre’ Category

Off-Road Velociraptor Safari!

By: Derek Yu

On: January 29th, 2008

Off-Road Velociraptor Safari

Sweet Raptorchrist, it’s here… and it’s even more incredible than you imagined.

(Thanks, Dan!)

Off-Road Velociraptor Safari Will Teach Raptors a Damn Lesson

By: Derek Yu

On: January 23rd, 2008

Raptor Safari

This picture is worth more words than have been spoken or will ever be spoken, in any language, by any person, in the entire lifespan of the Universe. You have been warned.

Berserker Preview

By: Tim

On: January 21st, 2008

That upcoming controversial game from Michal (Soldat) and Sigvatr. Swearing involved.

Death Worm Two Player Mod

By: Derek Yu

On: January 18th, 2008

Do I need to say much about Grassman7z7’s two player mod for Death Worm to convince you that it’s awesome? Worm one is controlled with the arrow keys, and worm two with WASD. There’s also an added “sonar mode” option which allows you to detect movement above ground. The game ends when BOTH worms are killed, and the cumulative score is ranked.

One thing I wish they’d show was how much meat each worm had separately consumed, and perhaps rank those separately. It’d add some fun competition to the whole thing. But otherwise, this is great fun, even with one player controlling both worms! “NOM NOM NOM!”

EDIT: By the way, the mod is a stand-alone executable that does not require the original to play. And you still have the option to play with just a single worm (LOL).

(Source: KingAl, via The Bit Blot Forums!)

Find the Creature Living in You

By: Derek Yu

On: January 17th, 2008

Proof that if there’s a God, he’s laughing his ass off at us.

(Many thanks to the lovely Jennifer Yin for the tip!)


By: Derek Yu

On: January 11th, 2008


Cursor*10 is an amazing little doujin flash game that asks “Cooperate by oneself?!” You have 10 little cursors and you have to make it up to the 16th floor. I’ve made it to the top and my high score is 183. I think that’s pretty good (i.e. I know you can beat me)!

By the creators of the Xananeko games.

(Thanks, arrowhen! Via Sensible Erection [NSFW].)


By: Derek Yu

On: January 10th, 2008


Our dear cactus has a new game out, called Psychosomnium. This “minor platform experiment” is about dreams, and requires more brain than brawn to get through its short, but intriguing, story. Fans of cactus (and experimental games in general) will probably enjoy it. I did!

The Expelations of The Little Green Pod Man

By: Terry

On: December 11th, 2007

podmanIt’s kinda difficult to explain this one. The Expelations of The Little Green Pod Man is essentially a platformer with a neat gimmick – instead of jumping, you can transform yourself into a Venus Flytrap that spits you out onto new ledges. You can also make the plant grow towards bees to reposition it, and swallow the bees to make it shoot you further. On top of that there are a few subtleties to how it all works that you pick up as you go along.

To be honest, it’s easier to just play it and see how it works for yourself than it is to explain. Thankfully, it’s a fun little game to play, though a little frustrating at times. It helps that the song accompanying it suits the game perfectly.

Also, for no apparent reason it has a picture of a squirrel in the loading screen. Who among us doesn’t appreciate that?

(Thanks, Moshboy!)

Glorious Trainwrecks

By: Derek Yu

On: December 10th, 2007


Glorious Trainwrecks is a website devoted to B-Games, and its users submitted the infinitely awesome 100-in-1 Klik & Play Pirate Kart to our B-Game Competition. In the words of Six, one of the site’s contributors:

We’ve been holding a monthly two-hour game jam, the Klik of the Month Klub, which is always a blast; members have also been making games outside of that context on a regular basis. The weird thing is, even though the site was created to pay tribute to wonderful terrible games, somewhere along the line our focus seems to have subtly shifted to just encouraging people to produce stuff – good, bad, whatever.

I like the idea of using Klik n’ Play to explore game making in such a free way! And some of the results are quite interesting, such as Xmas ADVENTure, an action/puzzle game that is being released one screen at a time until Christmas, or this one-switch platform demo. (One-switch games are games that only require a single button to play, and are more accessible to people with certain disabilities.)

Last of the Patriots

By: Derek Yu

On: December 5th, 2007

Last of the Patriots

This is an odd one.

I was checking my spam folder for a verification e-mail and found an e-mail from a Paul Davis instead, linking me to his new indie game. Somehow, that feels like a fitting beginning to my strange journey into Last of the Patriots.

From the screen, you may think that the game is a shoot ’em up, as I did. However, the focus is really on dialogue and story-advancement. The few combat sequences are short, and require very little skill. In fact, the website explains this:

Most games are designed on a game-design document. LOTP was designed on a movie-script format which you can view here. [Note: no link is actually provided to the script.]

For all intents and purposes, this is a B-Game, and I shan’t list all the areas in which it’s broken. I will say that there is one point where you’re supposed to run away from a legion of hitmen, but because of the non-existent AI and poor collision detection, the hitmen immediately get stuck on one another, effectively waiting in line for you to punch them to death with a beer bottle. The game is also extremely short (being the first episode of what can only be an epic space saga) and can be beaten in less than an hour. Enough said. It’s amusing for what it is and it reminds me of Dink Smallwood for some reason.

Paul Davis

But this is one of those times where I am fascinated not so much with the game itself, but with the developer, and I’ll tell you why:

1. Paul is credited as a level designer for both Grand Theft Auto 3 and 4, as well as Manhunt 1 and 2.

2. Paul has (from his Mobygames profile) a “unique personality, and is an ‘outgoing’ character. Carrying with him a virtual army of buzz words and jive talk he is a renowned bachelor, and uses his weapons to systematically insult, then get the number of, every girl he meets. This self proclaimed ‘crazy motherf$$ker’ lives in a hotel in Leith Links, Edinburgh.”

3. Though the game itself is, well… fairly subpar, with no small amounts of clichéd story points and dialogue, it’s endlessly amusing to read quotes like this on the website:

LOTP has been suggested to be a metaphor of the war in Iraq. Although the team feels it’s deeper message is about shadow projection from Jungian psychology. What do you think it’s all about?

This is one of those times where I can’t at all tell how serious the developer is about it all, but I have to commend him for being a crazy motherf$$ker making indie games. Serious MDickie moment here.